Simulation can provide almost arbitrary deep visibility into what a simulated system does without affecting the simulated system’s behavior. Additionally, most simulators provide the capability to produce highly detailed log files. Columbo adds library support to SimBricks enabling users to write small programs to obtain a low-level and fully end-to-end system trace from the log files that are produced by the individual component simulators.

In this work, we heavily draw from the area of distributed tracing. We combine the individual log files by converting them into commonly-known concepts like Events, Spans, and Traces. This allows us to make use of distributed tracing tooling to easily answer questions like what the average end-to-end latency within a simulation is and how this latency can be attributed to the individual components involved. This then, for example, helps explain why RPC X took Z ms longer than RPC Y.

In more technical detail, we first parse the individual log files to obtain Events. We then combine these into per-simulator Event Spans. Finally, we causally connect the per-simulator Event Spans, i.e. we connect the Event Spans in component X the caused a span of events in component Y. This forms the distributed trace. Finally, we make use of existing tools from the distributed tracing community like Jaeger to visualize and query the data for analysis.


Columbo: Low-Level End-to-End System-Traces through Modular Full System Simulation

Jakob Görgen, Vaastav Anand, , Jialin Li, Antoine Kaufmann
Preprint (arXiv), Saarbrücken, Germany, 2024.

Low-Level End-to-End System-Traces through Modular Full System Simulation

Jakob Görgen
MSc thesis, Saarbrücken, Germany, 2024.